
Saturday, December 30, 2006

logics of life

I think the story our life can potrayed as like a journey down the road, be it an adventurous skipping and jumping or a slow paced walk, somehow & somewhere in that journey you will eventually come to a point where you are required to make decisions. Yes decisions which will take you further down the journey of life itself, the decisions which will affects and haunt you if you fail to weight the outcome of each possibilities carefully.

It is in these times of decision making that brings me to beleive the existance of a few possibilities and choices which will eventually affects the decision we make. Unexplainably the irony of not being in the perfect mood may somehow makes us loose the magic of celebration even though we know we took the right path. You may just dismiss the logic behind this theory as a childish act of justying one's mistake in words, believing in the cosmic fussion of luck, fate and astrological readings. But bear with me as i write a few jots to justify my words above.

I somehow faced one of the greatest test of my life a few years ago, it was a moment where i have to make the greatest decisions of my life. Coming to think of it, i still somehow felt pity for myself for the descisions i've made at that point in time. Being young and naive, i've come to a few conclusions which i don't think is as wise as it was 3 years ago. Contrary to many people's believe, I still feel remorsefull for the things i've done to the people around me during that period in my life. I don't expect them to give me a happy smile and kiss me on the cheek as a sign of being forgiven but if i am given the chance to turn back time and repay my past, i still think that i would stand by my decision that i've taken and live with it no matter how painful it is. This is because I believe everyone does mistakes in their life and it is only a matter of time for a person to realise his/her own mistakes and only through that will he be willing to correct it himself. I was happy that i've been given time, time to rethink about the decisions i've made in my life and time to repay back for the hurt i've created.

Now that i've let it out, i think i still dont have a clue to why i'm writting this article, maybe one day when i really think of it only will i be able to answer that question. For now, i'll just like to wish you all a very happy new year, all the best in your future undertakings and may you take the time to rethink of the path you choose to walk in your life.


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